The five (5) most common types of braces

    Published 11/11/2021

    Orthodontic treatment is used for the correction of an improper bite and is the perfect option for anyone seeking to improve their smile and oral health. With advancements in technology, there are now different options for anyone who might be considering braces.

    The five (5) most common types of braces

    Metal Braces
    Undoubtedly the most common type of braces worldwide, traditional braces use metal brackets and wires to change the alignment of teeth over a period that varies based upon the complexity of the case. Thanks to modern technology, modern brackets are now smaller, lighter, and less invasive.  One example of this modern technology has been the use of wires that use the natural heat in the oral cavity to move teeth faster and less painfully than in years gone by. This is still the most affordable orthodontic solution however they are also the most obvious form of braces.

    Ceramic Braces
    Though ceramic braces function identically to traditional metal braces because they use tooth-coloured or clear brackets and wires that blend in with your natural teeth they allow persons to straighten their teeth discreetly. These braces represent a more aesthetic option for adults or teenagers who do not like the appearance of metal braces. However, these braces are slightly larger, and the elastic bands attached to the wires can pick up staining from certain foods and drinks that are deeply pigmented such as coffee or tea.

    Self-ligating Braces
    Self-ligating braces look like traditional braces, but they can be metallic or ceramic and use specialized clips to secure the wires in place rather than elastics. Tooth movement with this type of braces is often more rapid and requires fewer appointments for adjustments.

    Lingual Braces
    Lingual braces are the most specialized and least common type of braces available on the market. Unlike all other types of braces, they are placed behind teeth rather than in front, making them invisible to others. This makes them the ideal option for anyone who does not like the look of traditional braces. However, because they are so specialized and discreet, they are also more expensive and difficult to keep clean. Their position also causes some patients to experience slight changes in their speech (lisps commonly occur) and irritation to their tongue early in treatment, but they usually resolve over time.

    Developed in the mid- ‘90s, Invisalign has forever revolutionized the world of orthodontics. With the ability to discreetly straighten teeth, Invisalign now accounts for 6% and 31% of all teen and adult orthodontic cases respectively.  Invisalign uses a series of custom-built, removable, clear aligner trays that gently apply forces to cause tooth movement without the use of brackets, wires, or bands. Invisalign is virtually invisible and can be removed to eat, drink, and perform normal oral hygiene, however it is more expensive than traditional braces and is not ideal for some complex orthodontic cases.

    Now that you have a better understanding of some of the most common types of braces, talk to your Orthodontist about which option might be best for you.




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